Forklift Safety for Managers & Supervisors

Forklift Trucks in Operation Warning Sign

There are far too many accidents involving forklift operators. Good quality training means that the operators are fully aware of how to drive to reduce the chances of an incident, but pressures of work and creeping complacency leads to accidents altogether too frequently.

Every year, forklifts account for an average of 14 deaths, 43 major / life-changing injuries are sustained every week, and overall, 8000 HSE recordable lift truck incidents annually.

As a direct result, the documents detailing legal obligations facing employers now include a mandatory requirement that managers and supervisors, responsible for areas where lift trucks are operated, must be trained to recognise good and bad practices, and act accordingly. Accidents can be very expensive, and our course is planned to ensure that supervisory systems can be put in place to reduce the chances of an accident while maintaining operating efficiency.

Course content:

  • Recognition of good and bad operating practices
  • The importance of effective separation and segregation
  • The importance of ensuring that operators always maintain effective observation
  • Recording of pre-use checks and defect reporting
  • Legal obligations imposed by current legislation
  • Developing robust company policies on monitoring performance of forklift operators
  • Specific task training in the workplace and the importance of familiarisation training


All staff with a responsibility for managing and supervising areas where forklift trucks are in use


Normal course duration 1 to 2 days dependent on complexity of operation. 6-8 candidates per course.

  • 1 day to prepare staff to supervise current forklift operators in a range of working situations
  • 2 day course to additionally prepare staff to induct new qualified operators, and provide machine specific training, and load specific training where necessary.

Please contact us to discuss course content in greater detail.